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BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice

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BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice
BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice

BYD CarYuan Por 2023 Model 320km Luxury Model - The Perfect Choice

Sethula i-BYD CarYuan 2023, isengezo sakamuva ohlwini lwethu oluvela kwa-Hebei New Energy Car Trading Co., Ltd. Le moto kagesi esezingeni eliphezulu inikezela ngezici ezithuthukile nobuchwepheshe obusha, ibeka izinga elisha lezokuthutha ezilungele imvelo. I-BYD CarYuan 2023 inomklamo othambile futhi wesimanje, ingaphakathi elibanzi, kanye nebanga likagesi elihlaba umxhwele. Ngokusebenza kwayo okunamandla nokusebenza kahle, le moto ilungele ukuya emadolobheni nokuhamba amabanga amade. Ifakwe izici zokuphepha zesimanje nezici zokuxhumana, i-BYD CarYuan 2023 inikeza ulwazi lokushayela olunethezekile nolujabulisayo. Izwa ikusasa lokuhamba okusimeme nge-BYD CarYuan 2023, manje etholakala e-Hebei New Energy Car Trading Co., Ltd

  • imodeli I-Yuan por 2023 imodeli ye-320km yokunethezeka
  • Umkhiqizi BYD
  • izinga i-SUV encane
  • I-CLTC Pure Electric Range(Km) 320
  • Isikhathi sokushaja esisheshayo(Amahora) 0.5
  • Iphesenti lokushaja okusheshayo 80
  • Amandla amakhulu (Km) 70
  • I-Torque enkulu (N·m) 180
  • Imoto kagesi(Amaph) 95
  • Ubude*Ububanzi*Ubude(mm) 4375*1785*1680
  • Ukwakheka komzimba 5-izicabha, 5-izihlalo SUV
  • Okusemthethweni 0-50KM/h (ukusheshisa)/S 4.9
  • Iwaranti yemoto Amakhilomitha ayizinkulungwane ezingamashumi ayisithupha noma 150,000

Sethula i-New BYD CarYuan Por 2023, Zitholele ikusasa lokushayela nge-BYD Car Yuan Por 202 lemoto kagesi esezingeni eliphezulu ichaza kabusha indlela esicabanga ngayo ngezokuthutha, ihlinzeka ngenhlanganisela ephelele yesitayela, ukusebenza, nokusimama. Idizayinelwe umshayeli wesimanje owazisa kokubili ukunethezeka nesibopho semvelo, iCarYuan Por 2023 iwushintsho lwangempela lomdlalo embonini yezimoto, Idizayini Yangaphandle, Ingaphandle le-BYD Car Yuan Por 2023 iyinhlanganisela ephelele yobuhle nokusebenza. I-silhouette eshelelayo ne-aerodynamic iveza umuzwa wokuba yinkimbinkimbi nesimanjemanje, kuyilapho ikhulisa ukusebenza kahle. Imigqa ehlanzekile yemoto kanye nezakhi ze-futuristic design yenza isitatimende esigqamile emgwaqeni, okukhombisa ukuzibophezela komnikazi kukho kokubili isitayela nokusimama, I-fascia yangaphambili inegrille ehlukile namalambu akhanyayo e-LED, okunikeza i-CarYuan Por 2023 ubukhona obunamandla obudinga ukunakwa. Amajika aguquguqukayo nama-accents e-chrome engeza ukuthinta kokuthuthuka, kuyilapho ukuqedwa kopende we-premium okutholakalayo kuvumela ukuthinta komuntu siqu okuhambisana nanoma iyiphi indlela yokuphila, I-Interior Comfort and Technology, Ngena ngaphakathi kwe-BYD Car Yuan Por 2023 futhi ujabulele izinga elisha lokunethezeka nokunethezeka. . Ikhabethe elibanzi neliklanywe ngokukhalipha lihlanganisa ubunkimbinkimbi futhi linikeza umoya omuhle kubo bobabili abashayeli nabagibeli. Izinto zokwakha zekhwalithi ephezulu, izihlalo ze-ergonomic, nemininingwane ecatshangelwayo kudala indawo eqinisekisa ukuthi lonke uhambo luyintokozo, I-CarYuan Por 2023 ayivele ivelele ngesitayela nokunethezeka - futhi ihola indlela kubuchwepheshe obuthuthukile nokuxhumana. Isistimu ye-infotainment enembile inikeza ukufinyelela okungenazihibe ekuzulazuleni, ezokuzijabulisa, nolwazi lwemoto, iqinisekisa ukuzizwisa okuxhunyiwe kokushayela.

Ukwengeza, izici zokuphepha ezisezingeni eliphezulu kanye nokusiza abashayeli zihlanganiswe ngaphandle komthungo, zinikeza ukuthula kwengqondo nokunethezeka kwemayela ngalinye elihanjwayo, Isingeniso Senkampani, i-Hebei New Energy Car Trading Co., Ltd. iyaziqhenya ngokuba umsabalalisi ogunyaziwe. wezimoto ze-BYD, okuhlanganisa ne-CarYuan Por 202 emisha Njengomphakeli ohamba phambili wezimoto ezintsha zamandla esifundeni, sizibophezele ekukhuthazeni izixazululo zezokuthutha ezisimeme kanye nokuhlinzeka ngenkonzo yamakhasimende eyingqayizivele kuwo wonke amakhasimende ethu, Ngaphezu kokunikeza ukukhetha okubanzi kwezimoto ezintsha zamandla. , siphinde sinikeze ngezinsizakalo zosekelo eziphelele, ezifaka ukunakekelwa, izisetshenziswa, nezinketho zezimali. Umgomo wethu uwukuqinisekisa ukuthi ikhasimende ngalinye lizizwa lizethemba futhi linamandla esinqumweni salo sokwamukela ikusasa lezokuthutha ngemoto ye-BYD, Sengiphetha, i-BYD CarYuan Por 2023 imele ikusasa lokushayela ngezindlela ezingaphezu kweyodwa. Idizayini yayo emangalisayo, ubuchwepheshe obuthuthukile, nokuzibophezela ekusimameni kuyenza ivelele emakethe. Njengomsabalalisi ogunyaziwe wezimoto ze-BYD, i-Hebei New Energy Car Trading Co., Ltd. iyaziqhenya ngokunikeza le modeli eyingqayizivele kumakhasimende ethu, futhi simagange ukunikeza okuhlangenwe nakho okukhumbulekayo nokuzuzisayo kokuthenga kwabo bonke abalungele ukwamukela okulandelayo. ukukhiqizwa kobuhle bezimoto